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Making Gold Selling Alliance Cooking Recipes To The Horde
This is my entry into Cold's Gold Blogging Carnival on the topic "What are your favorite items to transfer to the other faction for sales?".
This is also my entry into Just My Two Copper's Blogging Carnival on the topic "How would you make gold if you had low capital?".
Yes you read that right. Two blogging carnivals with one stone and all that. Let's get down to business.
The Basics
We will be buying Alliance-specific cooking recipes from Kendor Kabonka ("Master of Cooking Recipes") and selling them to the horde via the neutral or horde auction house.
These recipes have very low vendor cost. Alliance players at any level can take advantage of this with little or no capital.
Cooking recipe vendor location in Stormwind. |
Buying the Recipes
Head to the Old Town area of Stormwind . You are looking for the Pig and Whistle Tavern. The tavern entrance is directly above the "O" in the words "Old Town" on the map.
When at the Pig and Whistle head upstairs and find Kendor Kabonka. This vendor sells many of the cooking recipes that can be obtained from quests. (Sadly there is no Horde equivalent to this vendor.)
Once at Kendor pick up all of the recipes. All the recipes combined can be purchased for less than 1g. Also they are not limited supply so multiples can be purchased if desired.
Kendor has quite a collection of recipes for sale. |
Neutral Auction Houses
Whether you are selling on the neutral or the Horde auction house the first step is getting to a neutral auction house.
There are neutral goblin auction houses in Booty Bay (Stranglethorn Vale, Eastern Kingdoms), Gadgetzan (Tanaris, Kalimdore) and Everlook (Winterspring, Kalimdore).
Neutral auction house locations. |
Which neutral auction house you choose to use will be determined by your level, race, current location, flight training, etc.
Getting to a Neutral Auction House
These recommendations are based around you being an Alliance player (sorry Hordies). They are listed in order from fastest to slowest.
Goblin Engineers (Level 260+) - Use Dimensional Ripper - Everlook to teleport directly to Everlook in Winterspring.
Mages (Level 71+) - Use Teleport: Dalaran and take the Caverns of Time portal in The Violet Citadel (on the left at the top of the long flight of stairs). Ride/fly through Tanaris to the Gadgetzan neutral auction house.
All levels - Buy/get a Portal: Dalaran from a level 74+ mage and take the Caverns of Time portal in The Violet Citadel (on the left at the top of the long flight of stairs). Ride/fly through Tanaris to the Gadgetzan neutral auction house.
Level 80+ - Take the Mount Hyjal portal in Stormwind and fly through Winterspring to the Everlook neutral auction house.
Level 68-79 (with Flight Master's License) - Fly from Stormwind to the Booty Bay auction house in Stranglethorn Vale.
Level 68-79 (w/o Flight Master's License) - take the Caverns of Time portal in The Violet Citadel (on the left at the top of the long flight of stairs). Ride through Tanaris to the Gadgetzan neutral auction house.
Level 1-67 (or 68+ w/o Flight Master's License):
Dwarves and Gnomes
- Ride/run from Ironforge to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands. (Beware of level 20+ mobs along the way.)
- Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Theramore
- Swim in the ocean south from Thereamore to Tanaris
- Run/ride to the Gadgetzan neutral auction house
- Take the Deeprun Tram from Stormwind to Ironforge
- Ride/run from Ironforge to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands. (Beware of level 20+ mobs along the way.)
- Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Theramore
- Swim in the ocean south from Thereamore to Tanaris
- Run/ride to the Gadgetzan neutral auction house
- Take the boat from Rut'theran Village (just outside the pink teleporter out of Darnassus) to Strormwind Harbor.
- Take the Deeprun Tram from Stormwind to Ironforge
- Ride/run from Ironforge to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands. (Beware of level 20+ mobs along the way.)
- Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Theramore
- Swim in the ocean south from Thereamore to Tanaris
- Run/ride to the Gadgetzan neutral auction house
Sell on the Neutral Auction House
If all you plan on doing is selling on the neutral auction house all you have to do now is post the recipes. Pricing can be a bit tricky. You can try checking The Undermine Journal for prices on the horde side of your server.
Sell for about half of the horde auction prices. This will entice horde players to buy these for resell on the Horde auction house.
If you don't want to find pricing I would start at 20g per recipe. If they sell consistently raise the price to 30g then 40g and so on.
If you have an alt that isn't doing anything important you can park them at a neutral auction house to make posting easier. Simply mail them recipes from Stormwind as needed.
Sell on the Horde Auction House
This is the way to get maximum profit from selling the Alliance cooking recipes. This is also has the most overhead as you need either two accounts (you can't buy your own neutral auctions from one of your Horde characters) or a friend to help you move stock through the neutral auction house.
If you have two accounts then you simply create an auction character on the horde side to put all your auctions up on the Horde auction house.
If you have a friend who can help one way is selling to their Horde character via the neutral auction house and have them sell on the Horde auction house.
Alternatively you can have them post the recipes on the neutral auction house and you purchase and sell them on your Horde character.
Tips for Using Two Accounts
If you don't have a Horde auction house character the easiest way to get it set up is as follows.
- Make a troll character on your second account.
- Have them get some money (2-3 silver) by doing a few starter quests. (This is needed for auction fees and a flight path.)
- Swim them from the Lost Isles to Ratchet
- Take the boat from Ratchet to Booty Bay
- Use the neutral auction house and post a grey or white item for 100-300g (starter capital, less works as well)
- Buy the item on your Alliance main on your first account.
- Take the boat back to Ratchet from Booty Bay.
- Take the flight path from Ratchet to Orgimmar. (It doesn't require any connections in between or visiting Orgimmar first!)
- Set your hearth to an inn in Orgimmar. (I recommend the goblin area as the bank, mail and auction house are all close together.)
Tips For Using a Friend
These are tips for using a friend to help move things to the Horde side via the neutral auction house.
- Set up an out-of-game line of communication. This can be talking (if in same house), phone, text, IM, voice chat (via skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Mumble, Google Voice among others) etc. You won't be able to talk to them while you are on opposite factions.
- Set up the buy. Let them know what items you are putting up on the neutral auction house so they can buy them out immediately
- Post the items for 12 hours and for a few copper each.
- There is always a chance the auctions will get "sniped" (bought out by someone else) via someone camping the neutral auction house watching for players transferring items across.
- If you find someone sniping reschedule a new time to transfer them (hopefully minus the sniper).
- If your friend is posting them for you offer them a generous commission (50%+) of the profits. After all they are doing most of the heavy lifting for you.
All that is required after you have your system set up for selling Alliance cooking recipes to the Horde (and it is running smoothly) is to restock the recipes and adjust prices as needed. Raise them if the recipes are selling well.
Don't flood the market. Post the recipes a few at a time. Just because you may have 10 copies of Recipe: Cooked Crab Claw doesn't mean you should post them all at once. Rarity is important in maintaining a high selling price.
Once you have success selling cooking recipes start branching out into other areas such as NPC-bought pets.
Also remember that you now have a two-way flow between the factions. Don't forget to look for opportunities to sell Horde items to the Alliance. (For example the recipe for Savory Deviate Delight sells for much higher on the Alliance than the Horde side.)
I've laid out the ways you can make some decent gold with very little capital by selling Alliance cooking recipes to the Horde. Whether you are able to sell them directly to the Horde with a second account or a friend or if you simply list them on the neutral auction house you will have a steady stream of gold coming in.
This income will help you gain the capital you will need to work your way up to bigger and bigger gold-making opportunities.
Talking Points
- What are your most successful Alliance items to sell to the Horde?
- What Horde items are worth taking back to sell on the Alliance?
- What addons/tools/tricks do you utilize to make selling cross-faction easier?
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Haha, I wrote the same topic but for the JMTC carnival.
ReplyDelete@Faid You know what they say about great minds. ;)
ReplyDeleteExcellent Post Flux!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! A faster way to do a low level run/swim combo is to get your character to either Westfall (anywhere on the coast) or Stormwind, then swim down to Booty Bay.
ReplyDeleteStarting in Stormwind Harbor means even a level 1 can do it without chancing death, but the swim can be a bit annoying, as you have to hug the cliff to keep out of fatigue water until you reach Westfall. The coast of Westfall and STV are easy to swim far from mobs and still stay out of fatigue water.
Aside from recipes and pets, I like selling faction-limited tradeskill patterns (like Bright Yellow Shirt), and cross-faction. Also, don't forget to gather up the Booty Bay located recipes/patterns/pets and sell them on the faction AH of your choice.
Just started working on the Alliance auction house with a 2nd account. If you have a high level character you can send them gold directly using your Satchel of Exotic Mysteries and avoid the cross faction transfer fees all together. Just leave the gold inside along with anything else you find inside to help with starter cash on the opposite faction.
ReplyDeleteJust yesterday when setting up my cross faction smuggling business, I sent my alliance character a BoA Satchel that had 50 gold and a Durotar Scorpion. That should be plenty starter cash to get my smuggling business set up and running goods to both factions.