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The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 007
In this week's episode we discuss how they've been making gold this week, the launch of World of Warcraft Patch 4.1's effect on the economy, how to deal with auction house competition and much more. And now, on with the show!
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Episode 007 Show Notes
- The Power Word: Gold Podcast: Episode 007 was recorded Friday April 29, 2011.
- You can also find podcasts by selecting "Podcast" in our top navigation bar or selecting the "Podcasts" tag in our tag cloud in the side bar.
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- Previous Podcasts
- The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 006
- The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 005
- The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 004
- 02:52 How Jokine made gold this week:
- Elementium Shuffle
- Bought 600 stacks
- Enchanting materials - few in the auction house.
- Rare gems going up in price.
- Amberjewel reset from 5g to 20g
- 05:14 Sold first Cataclysm jeweler's monocle. Cost 2-300g, sold for 1000g. Design: Jeweler's Amber Monocle, Design: Jeweler's Ruby Monocle and Design: Jeweler's Sapphire Monocle.
- 07:16 Mysterious Fortune Cards still selling. Have competition now though. Sold 686 in one sale.
- 09:15 Playing Bloodline Champions (a skill-based arena game)l.
- 09:34 The new Heroic Zul'Gurub quests give you 3 white items that may be sold in the future to bank alts. Tarnished Crown, Golden Necklace and Gem Studded Bracelets.
- 11:03 Torgal let me know about new Amani Hex Sticks are not soulbound and persist after you leave the instance. Sell them on the auction house. Players buy them to try to get the companion pet Mojo.
- 12:02 Guild Paragon is selling Heroic Zul'Aman bear mount runs for 30,000 gold.
- 13:27 Bought three Formula: Enchant Bracer - Major Strength pre-Patch 4.1 for 1,000-1,500 gold and sold first for 4,500 gold.
- 14:33 How flux made gold this week:
- I broke the news that the 75 silver vendor price for Cataclysm uncommon gems was confirmed. (World first! lol)
- Tried to put head down the focus on making gold and getting my had around the new market.
- 15:43 Selling Inferno Rubies. (Read more about my plans to stockpile Inferno Rubies for Cataclysm epic gems speculation in: "Black Iron Ore, Pyrite Ore And The Truth About Epic Gems In Cataclysm" and "The Obsidium Shuffle Is Dead - Patch 4.1 Uncommon Gem Vendor Price 75s")
- Initially Inferno Rubies jumped to 200+ gold per cut. Raw prices jumped to 180+ gold.
- 17:05 Reset the Carnelian market to more closely match the Inferno Ruby mat price (1/3 Inferno Ruby price).
- Because I had so many Inferno Rubies stocked up I made a killing.
- 18:14 Maelstrom Crystals flooding into the market.
- 18:25 Made a Magic Lamp and sold it cross-faction for 4700 gold. Cost ~1000 gold in materials.
- 19:24 Jokine teaches flux how to transfer money cross-faction the right way: Buy expensive items where you break even or make a profit and sell that item on your main side.
- 20:43 Selling Blackened Dragonscales from grinding while using Potion of Treasure Finding.
- 20:56 Scorched Leg Armor and Twilight Leg Armor (made by Leatherworking) have been selling above material cost with low competition.
- 21:24 Attempted to reset (re-balance?) the Savage Leather market.
- 22:58 Selling Winterspring Cub for a reasonable 93g each. Takes 2:17 to fly on the flight patch from Mt. Hyjal to Everlook in Winterspring.
- 24:04 While in Everlook offer in guild chat to COD cubs to your guildmates for the regular price of 50g.
- 25:44 BREAK - Winterspring Cubs: "Their so fluffy I want to die!"
- 26:39 flux talks about his love for The Obsidium Shuffle pre and post-Patch 4.1.
- With the economy (rl) down unemployed players may have much more time to play than usual.
- flux has been working the uncommon Cataclysm raw gem market for a long time.
- Was anxious to see how the price floor change (from 54 gold to 30 gold) would effect this market.
- 29:21 New price floor for Obsidium and Elementium Ore is now 30g.
- 30:00 flux believes a player may be keeping the price of ore high (45-50g per stack).
- 20:49 Player on flux's server was keeping all uncommon raw prices over 12 gold or so.
- 29:49 I've had reports that the price for Obsidium Ore on some servers is down to the 30 gold price floor.
- 30:31 Initially it seemed raw uncommons would maintain their pre-Patch 4.1 value.
- 31:08 The half of the Obsidium Shuffle that pertains to raw gems alone feels like you are on a "high-wire". There is risk of losing gold if the ore prices are high.
- 32:01 Carnelians are still valuable as well as daily jewelcrafting gems.
- 32:40 Jokine has been thinking ways to dump the gems from cheap Elementium Ore.
- 33:09 He's Transmuting Hessonites into Ember Topaz with the addition of cheap Cinderbloom. Ember Topaz sell well cut and uncut.
- 33:47 Take a look as transmute, meta gem and enchanting mat prices to see the best place to burn raw uncommons.
- 34:15 Expensive Carnelian will create a "choke point" for all transmutes that involve them causing jewelcrafters and alchemists to prospect ore to get those gems.
- 35:31 flux has been doing an experiment of making jewelry out of Jasper, Alicite, Hessonite and Nightstone.
- Set up TradeSkillMaster groups for all the jewelry and treat it
much like I do my glyph selling tactics (many items all in TSM groups
and just re-post what doesn't sell/is undercut).
- 36:35 Many mats are in short supply in the auction house.
- 37:06 flux has actually been going out and mining to get his ore lately to save money on materials.
- 37:29 For Jasper Rings my TSM lowest price is 6g50s. For two-gem
items (Hessonite Band, Alicite Pendants and Nightstone Chokers) it is 13
- Base price ("Fallback" in TSM) for all jewelry is 45 gold.
- 39:26 Jokine advises to to take advantage of the unstable prices while you still can.
- 43:24 Friendly vs. hostile competition.
- 46:47 If someone wants to they can crash and hold down any market they want to. They lose money doing to but nothing is stopping them.
- 48:22 Jokine's experiences with hostile competition in the Mysterious Fortune Card market.
- 52:09 New market opening for Dust of Disappearance. Selling them for 5 gold a piece.
- 54:47 Dust of Disappearance may be a good "sleeper seller" like Obsidium Skeleton Keys (See "Obsidium Skeleton Keys: Gold Hiding Right On Our Keyrings?")
- 55:56 flux has an "epiphany" moment and decides to try an experiment by COD'ing his whole stock of glyphs to his biggest glyph competitionat for 30g each.
- 57:35 Jokine ponders tying up his competition's Mysterious Fortune Card stock for two days with a COD. feint.
- 58:42 flux comes up with the idea for in-game Mysterious Fortune Card "COD subscriptions" where players are COD's MFCs on a regular schedule.
- 59:27 Conclusion of flux's COD experiment: Confused competition. (Which is a good thing.)
- 1:00:00 "To the "Robin Hood's" out there who say 'That's not right'. There are no limits in auction house PVP" -Jokine
- 1:15:15 Jokine's experience with hostile competition with Hypnotic Dust.
- 1:02:54 flux's auction posting strategies for when you're posting just before logging off (and also posting in general).
- 1:05:30 Jokine discusses hostile behavior by one of his competitors in the Mysterious Fortune Card market.
- 1:07:42 There is only one thing you can truly "control" in the in-game market: your own actions.
- 1:09:30 The reasons people keep a part of the market down can be strange and completely arbitrary.
- 1:10:24 BREAK - The Undermine Journal: "The Market, Uncovered".
- 1:11:20 Jokine waxes metaphorical about auction house PVP and arena PVP.
- 1:13:33 flux on the importance of diversification.
- 1:15:32 Professions you only need one copy of: Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Enchanting. Engineering (if you want).
- You need at least one alchemist . More alchemists are always nice if you have the extra characters to utilize.
- Good profession parings are Mining+Herbalism, Blacksmithing+Jewelcrafting (or Jewelcrafting+Enchanting).
- 1:17:50 How Jokine processed 600 stacks of Elementium Ore.
- 1:20:28 Jokine found no Hypnotic Dust on the auction house so he moved to create Jewelcrafting items to be disenchanted.
- 1:21:22 Making Ember Topaz was a profitable use of Hessonite.
- 1:23:39 May be time to stop worrying on Epic Cataclysm gems (at least for the moment).
- 1:24:58 Have you seen large quantities of materials on your server?
- 1:25:57 Herbs that only come from Vashj'ir? Azshara's Veil.
- 1:26:21 Mining Cobalt Ore may be more lucrative than mining Cataclysm ores.
- 1:26:59 Look at picking up Rare gem cuts and cutting a posting a few to try out the market. They are still worth selling even at 20g a piece.
- 1:29:24 If Cataclysm ore drops to 30-35g/stack the shuffle becomes viable again.
- 1:29:57 MP3 Reader question from Torgal about what to do with extra green inks and pigments left over from milling.
- 1:31:11 Sell Snowfall in directly on the auction house.
- 1:32:26 Darkmoone Faire decks that are level 60 and below don't require the Darkmoon Faire be active to turn them in. (Rogues Deck etc.)
- 1:31:52 Create TradeSkillMaster groups for them and sell them as
both inks and pigments during your normal glyph posting routine.
- l:35:33 Make them into inks and store them in your guild bank and sell when you get a large number of stacks.
- 1:37:23 BREAK - OreCrusher: The #1 addon for Manly Men (and those who want to know the best way to use prospected gems).
- Shoutouts
- 1:29:10 Comments - Nev (from Auction House Addict) and Torgal (read their guest post "Companion Pets - Super Cute And Selling Well!").
- 1:41:52 Twitter - @msherretz, @Faidtastic (from Nerf Faids), @GrayzBDF (from WoW or Gold), @jimmydargocey, @kelgathor, @HWoodLockhart, @breakthebankwow (from Break the Bank), @AltosGold (from ALTOs Goldish Advice), @XanderEragon (from Xander's Gold Mine), @CappedByCata (from Capped by Cata), @third_torch (from The Third Torch).
- Special thanks: @bangkokbill555 (from Bangkok Bill's World of Goldcraft) for all the great patch day tweets and updates.
- 1:43:36 Recent additions to the World Of Warcraft Gold Blog Directory
- (Link broken, need update.)
- World of Auctions (Inactive but well designed.)
- Mallrat's WoW Ramblings
- What a Long, Strange Game This Is...
- Posts of the Week
- 1:47:19 "The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 006"
- 1:49:48 "It's Official: Cut Uncommon Cata Gems Vendor For 75 Silver In Patch 4.1"
- 1:50:30 "Maelstrom Crystal Prices Plummet In Patch 4.1 - How To Capitalize?"
- 1:53:09 Jokine's ideas about Maelsteom Crystal prices and how they may change with Patch 4.2.
- 1:55:03 How has the Epics market looked since Patch 4.1?
- 1:55:48 Jokine's Death Knight reaches a gold milestone.
- 2:00:40 Jokine can talk and do auctions at the same time (unlike flux).
- 2:01:40 Vendor recipes, Electrified Ether, Handful of Obsidium Bolts, Gnomish X-Ray Scope selling well for flux.
- 2:03:17 Jokine how to talk to your competition.
- 2:04:21 If you're not a really aggressive player then diversify to be able to shift markets more easily.
- Winterspring cubs selling well.
- 2:04:58 Icy Prism cooldown has been removed as of Patch 4.1. The ability to make Lich King rares and possibly epics and Dragon's Eyes is easier than ever.
- 2:07:14 flux set up TradeSkillMaster groups for all the Icy Prism gems and I selling them on the auction house.
- 2:08:20 flux doesn't follow his own advice for putting up 20 single Jewelcrafting daily gems for 35g each and it comes back to bite him.
- 2:10:49 You know you've been spending too much time in the AH when you start making voodoo dolls of your competition.
Talking Points
- What are your greatest gold-making successes since World of Warcraft Patch 4.1 dropped?
- What surprised you most about the post-Patch 4.1 economy?
- What question would you like answered by flux and Jokine in a future Power Word: Gold Podcast?
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Awesome dont you think?
ReplyDeleteFlux, once the police found out that you do podcast they came for you
I can't post short comments when I enjoy something. Handle it! ;D
ReplyDeleteAnother good episode. I realized yesterday that i'll be 'forced' to comment @ every damn episode because if I stop it might seem odd (....for me haha).
Torgal's question was spot on, i've had troubles with extra inferno inks as well as trading blackfallows for other inks and I haven't felt comfortable selling them for less than 15g each. Although as i'm writing this I know that it's alot better to trade, sell them for 5g or so, rather than having stock that's filling my guild bank. Especially when I have 3k+ blackfallows as well as a few 100 of the other inks just sitting there. I'm crafting OH's and restocking glyphs a few at a time. I'll sort it out somehow.
Rare gems sold alot when patch 4.1 hit as did enchanting mats. I have 1000's of non inferno rubys in an alts mailbox, so it feels good not having to prospect for those. Ore's expensive since it's scarce and I don't check as often cause I don't feel like doing it anywhere near as much as I did before the patch. Since chanting mats are selling alot I don't have enough mats to feel safe about supplying the AH a longer period without restocking ore. Sigh. Anyhows the profit margins are higher so it's all win.
What else? Thanks alot for messing up the Gold Blog Directory live with my blog being the victim haha. Was hilarious. It's all love and it's funny how I get more involved in things after creating it. A made a post for the JMTC carnival about 1 million. The structure of this episode was solid until right after the shout outs and you had me laughing as usual 'despite' having a good structure. Not saying that the earlier episodes lacked it hehe.
About those "In Soviet Russia" jokes. I was laughing out! )
ReplyDeleteI'm making Icy Prisms!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, thank you for this tip. I had no idea Blizzard had removed this cooldown. Nightmare tears are selling well in Cata, but I could not find Dragon's Eyes for a good price lately and was using only those bought with my own JC tockens. Also I started looking at the Wrath gem market, and now I have some gems to try it and see if it's profitable.
P.S. AdiBags add-on is awesome!
Thanks again for the shoutout and thanks a ton for your kind words. I hope you liked the guest post, I'm already thinking about a new topic to write about....
Bavaria/Germany is known to be the motherland of beer (does Octoberfest ring a bell? *g*) How cool is that? :-D
Awesome show as allways and you did even integrate the timestamps that I was nagging you about. *g*
I'll try to split my extra green-quality pigments into direct AH sales and Darkmooncard decks. Let's see if Jokine's or Flux's method makes more gold.... It's on!
@sklyanka Do you skype? We may have to have you on the show sometime to give a true Russian's perspective on making gold.
ReplyDelete@Argo I hadn't thought of making Nightmare Tear with the Dragon's Eye but may have to. Dragon's Eyes are selling well for around 120g here so far and I'm the only seller.
@Torgal I look forward to future guest posts. Just shoot me an email. All hail the motherland of beer! Also the timestamps were a great idea. Thanks for goading me into using them. Much easier for people to find certain segments for re-listening.
@Flux True russians dont make gold. In soviet russian gold makes you )
ReplyDeleteThanks for comments
This is the best gold podcast going, thanks. Please keep it coming. I found another monocle pattern last night that i bought from a player for 500g, Jeweler's Amber Monocle, it uses 3 amberjewel and 50 volatile life. Im think this might be the most valuable monocle pattern because of the mats, either way its a niche market
ReplyDelete@Jokine Russians do make vodka though.
@fluxdada intresting ) I'll email you my skype.
ReplyDeleteAnother good episode. I realized that i'll be 'forced' to comment @ every damn episode because if I stop it might seem odd (....for me haha).
ReplyDeleteTorgal's question was spot on, i've had troubles with extra inferno inks as well as trading blackfallows for other inks and I haven't felt comfortable selling them for less than 15g each. Although as i'm writing this I know that it's alot better to trade them, sell them for 5g or so, rather than having stock that's filling my guild bank and annoying me more than the low prices. Especially when I have 3k+ blackfallows as well as a few 100 of the other inks just sitting there. I'm crafting OH's and restocking glyphs a few at a time. I'll sort it out somehow. My list of things to do increases rapidly, but i'm starting to make some major changes and the arbitrage is in full motion now. Thank you, Jokinee! You gave me the final push @ episode 3.
Rare gems sold alot when patch 4.1 hit as did enchanting mats. I have 1000's rares in an alts mailbox, so it feels good not having to prospect for those. Ores jump up and down and DE mats is working nicely, but I’m preparing for my optimized streamline-posting, so I don’t post much at all, although prices are kept higher for that exact same reason.
What else? Thanks alot for messing up the Gold Blog Directory with my blog being the victim haha. Was hilarious. It's all love. It's funny how I get more involved in things now that I’ve created WoW or Gold. I knew that the blog would help me switch things up, but I had no idea that I’d be changing things so fast and in such quantity. My army of banks and crafters are being reengineered for maximum efficiency. It reminds me of playing Age of Empires 2 when preparing for the battle, which always was the best part of the game.
The structure of this episode was solid until right after the shout outs and you had me laughing as usual 'despite' having a good structure, which keeps on improving. One of the strengths of this podcast is Flux's flexibility when it comes to change, and I mean as a blog/podcast manager in lack of better words. Good job! And Jokine, you're awesome too! :D
Hey guys,first time listening to your podcast :)
ReplyDeleteI want to ask something, What have you guys been doing in regards to the information being released about 4.2, like the new profession recipes? Is it good to stock volatiles?
ReplyDeleteVolatiles should be pretty safe to stockpile, but it also depends on which other professions you have. Don't stockpile more than you can afford to lose if things suddenly go downhill.